Sticker Book - Get Home Safe
This campaign launch video is a celebration of good driving habits. Through the eyes of a child, we can highlight the driving behavious we have become desensitized to. Each time our girl sees a positive action happen, a fun safety sticker appears which she places into a green sticker book – her collection of good. She recognized and collects a variety of safe driving stickers. It’s a beautiful reminder about the importance of safety, even in the small moments - to make it home safely.
Play Creative
The Phoenix Group
Production Notes
With SGI projects we always have the added challenge of making the content interesting and dynamic, within the constraints of filming in a vehicle.
Bringing out the technocrane and removing the roof of a salvaged vehicle allowed us to get more dynamic shots than would otherwise be impossible to get within a vehicle. Along with creating a very cinematic crane shot.
Another tool we utilized on this production was our black arm. This allowed us to capture smooth and dynamic driving transition shots that helped elevate the end product.